our Blogs

Reflections on My Year as President of IPA

by Karla Steingraber, Psy.D.

“People get the government they deserve,” I heard someone say.  My initial response was negation.  It could not be true.  There always are people who did not vote for the government they got, or did not vote at all.  I certainly have not always gotten tView More..

Posted by: Karla Steingraber, Psy.D.

Modern learning theory models of anxiety disorders

The summary of an article, originally published in the American Psychologist is primarily intended for therapists with a substantial knowledge of learning models of anxiety disorders. It assumes a psychologically-educated reader, but is not beyond comprehension for a lay person. It highlights how vital scienctific research is to continually refine our knowledge and better understand thView More..

Posted by: James Dod, Ph.D.

How to Argue Effectively

We all have disagreements from time to time, its part of life. And while some disagreements may not arouse a lot of emotion for us, others really seem to get our goat. Sometimes we find ourselves yelling and hurling invectives, and we may not even know why. Clearly under those circumstances, there is an unconscious link to some very charged psychological issue we carView More..

Posted by: Admin

The influence of control-related beliefs on OCD

Here is my synopsis of a Clinical Psychology Review article: "Anxiety Disorders and Control Related Beliefs". The summary is particularly helpful to understand the role of control-related beliefs in the development and maintenance of OCD.


There is ample evidence that demonstrates a strong association between individuals’ beliefs about control anView More..

Posted by: James Dod, Ph.D.

The origins of AgoraMHN

Who in their right minds would start a business while occupied full-time in successful private practices. Who indeed? I blame Steve Field.  

We both had joined a networking group in the northern suburbs of Chicago. Mostly made up of independent practitioners, the group (North Shore Alliance of Psychotherapists) was organized by Nora Ishibashi, a clinical social worker new to the View More..

Posted by: Admin